
chrome ball incident #667: hella bad

I have to imagine at least a few of you were probably expecting this guy...

...which was honestly the plan until I came across that sick backside tailslide photo of TNT up top and I just decided to go with it.

And that incredible Triple Crown jump didn't exactly serve to dissuade me either. Tony kills.

Alright party people, gonna have to cut this week short. Hardly for relaxation purposes though, I'm conducting two interviews after-work tomorrow for future posts. Sorry but there's just only so much time. Wish me luck.

Its entirely too goddamn hot out to skate here anyway.

Special thanks to whiteley, brink and jim t.

And Portland, gimme a full report come Monday.


  1. EVery one of those are bangers

  2. those first couple photos look like Brad Staba. Only once I saw that knock kneed bs flip did I know.

    Could Staba have been a SOTY if he weren't so baked/antagonistic?

  3. Yeah, super good. I first heard of him at a contest here in 1997. He was just getting on Anti Hero then, travelling with the DLX dudes. He was killing it.

    Somewhere—Thrasher, I'm pretty sure—there's a photo of him from the same period wearing cargos and a visor beanie.

  4. when i first moved to santa rosa, he was always at the park. if you watched him skate, you knew that he had that natural talent. he had that blend of both old style with the ability to get tech. i was a product of the 80's. launch ramps and curbs. so skating with one another taking trips and learning how to skate tranny, was one of the more epic times of my life. many people just see the image. they don't get to see the part of him that just loves to skate. whether it be doing a inward heel or just fucking off doing a boneless. coming out of the early 90's when all my friends either formed bands or quit skateboarding. this dude gave me a second wind. thanks to tony, he made skateboarding super fun again. good job chops.
    ------here is a old interview that got scrapped.

  5. TNT! Was just watching the anti-hero self-titled with that fs 360 kickflip.

  6. never understood why he rides for anti hero?he is anything but an anti hero.
    sponsored by boost mobile,entering all the high pro file sell out contests maloof,triple crown, mountdew...
    this dude is pure hero in my book..

  7. Remember going to an all-nighter in liverpool, england around 2002 ish. we turned up early evening and TNT was tearing the place up. Drunk, exhausted and sore at some stupid time in the morning we all gave up but I swear TNT was still going strong and I dont think I saw him miss a trick all night. Never seen anything like it. The man is a machine and his In Bloom part is incredible.
