
chrome ball incident #664: the ? remains

One of the more intriguing variables regarding to the new Chocolate video currently in the works. Really hope Pops comes through once again with another amazing part.

And speaking of videos, Fucktards and A Love Supreme on the same bill (amongst other goodies)? Forget about it. A definite must-go for those in the Portland area.

Thanks for all the support out there. Had a great week off even though I've been skating like absolute shit. How you been?

Happy Birthday Peel!


  1. I've always liked Poppalardo. I remember seeing him at Newport back in 1999, not long after his Check Out was published, though before Alien put him on fully--I think. He was trying halfcab frontside nosegrinds the hard way. So nonchalant. You could tell he was really good.

  2. thank you for another pops post.
    I could use it.

  3. So pissed I'm missing all this stuff at the Hollywood. I'm gonna be out of town. Family matters.

    Pops is a strange one to me. Such differing styles through time. I understand people go through phases. He just seems like a bit of an enigma. In and out of the light. Right now it seems he wants to be out.

  4. Great post. I've never seen that feeble picture. Also just ran across this Mosaic b-sides http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLe5QEF190I&feature=related
    Pops' stuff starts around 4:04. It has the nollie f/s noseslide down the Temple hubba you posted a while ago

  5. I've heard from some New York heads that Pops is psyched on filming and actually has clips for the Chocolate video. I'd be psyched to see it become a reality.

  6. @Tim.

    I really hope so. He's my favorite skater.

  7. An all time favorite of mine. Never seen that Slap cover before though, pretty sick.

  8. Super stoked on Alien Popps.

    Cons Popps... not so much.

  9. easy to forget paps in on chocolate

  10. He's got the fewest Chocolate pro models in this years catalog. I think that's a reflection of something...

  11. That 360 ollie flip was such a highlight of that Lakai video. Thanks for posting this; just thinking of him doing a switch kickflip made my day. (didn't he do that down two consecutive sets of stairs in something? Sounds strange in this era of filming bangers, but I loved the shit out of that line.)

  12. ^^^mid 90's atm was such a rad company... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu1MMihU70Q

    ...sorry, if I got off topic...pop's rules too. Don't believe anything you read on the slap boards...the internet can be a cruel place. Hope everyone is enjoying their skateboards.
