
chrome ball incident #663: 30 below / it will

Two of Florida's finest, the brothers Conklin.

With Lance really making a go of it first via Powell's Propaganda (not to mention that ill "squared fury" graphic series he had) it was Scott's lengthy tenure in the Alien underground that have led many to call him the most underrated skateboarder of the 1990s.

Combine the antics of these two brothers with the illegitimate third Conklin, Mr. Bo Turner, and all bets were off.

In other news: Natas still killing it, this time on the animation tip.

Big up to Jerome and Keith.


  1. That 50-50 in Toronto, is sick! In person it's gnarly, no does stuff on it to this day. Also, the ollie over the tiger stripe is so timeless.

  2. Cherrs Chops for my longtime requested Conklin post. Turned out relly nice. That backfoot flip of Lance is still fucking gnarly. When I remeber Lance Conklin: The 1st thing that pops into my mind is this sparking sound of his wheels when he does those shiffty manuals in propaganda. Two ripping bros. I`m so busy with unscheduled work, that this post made my morning a bit more enjoyable. Thanks mate

  3. The Carlsbad shot didn't make sense when I first looked at it- I thought he was a 40 ft tall giant flipping out of a casper on top of the roof of the building. (photographers have upped their game since then).

  4. Backfoot flip photo is too sick.
    I saw Scott at an Alien demo back in the day and he totally ripped it! We barely knew who he was.

  5. back foot flip over Carlsbad? lol Pretty messed up!

    I remember that Propaganda part... I used to think how weird it was to do what is essentially a blunt slide without a ledge.

    I've only ever seen Scott Conklin once at a contest in Montreal but I've seen Lance more frequently in Toronto when he was on Change. It's odd how some skaters don't translate well on video. Him and Bokma were both good solid skaters. Those Change boards were terrible. The skate spot called Logs in TO was littered with broken Change boards.

  6. When I was growing up in St. Pete these guys were respected, especially Scott. Every kid wanted to 50-50 huge round rails like in Time Code. I remember after Alien shed all 3 of those guys I saw Bo Turner at the shop downtown with boards hyping his new generic sponsor Balance.

    Did either of the Conklins have other sponsors after Alien?

  7. The big brother photo with lance in the colored ball pool at a mcdonalds or something with a gun sticking out is still a highlight for me. Haven't seen it in a while. Nice post, sick skating. Thanks

  8. ^

    That droors ad with the gun pointing out of the ball pit... real gun.

  9. damn! forgot all about that one!

    definitely gonna have to post that up along side another lance/big bro classic "I Shot Kurt Cobain" ad... can't believe I forgot about those.

  10. It looks like the backfoot flip and switch frontside bluntslide were shot on the same day. Same with Scott Conklin's noseblunt and backside lip.

    Keith: I don't recall seeing Change boards in Montreal. I do, however, remember a Vehicle magazine feature on the logs. "A typical skate spot without much to skate."

  11. Great to see a conklin post. Lance was one of my favourites back in the day. His geiger deck was my first slick popsickle deck. Still have it in the garaage somewhere.

    - jsparks

  12. Is that back foot flip at Carlsbad high by lance a make.

  13. ? Just curious because that's pretty fuckin rad in a weird, unaesthetic way. Lance was rad though regardless.

  14. Btw, Lucas, that's def not a sw fs blunt. I know the run up is weird for a fs nose blunt but thats what that is. Just look at his body... Left/front foot, head... [\skate nerd]

  15. Stephen, you're right. Amd Chops even labelled the photo nbs. But from the time I first saw that photo, I've thought it was a sketchy switch fs bluntslide.

  16. Stoked on those old Workshop ads, especially that first Alex Says ad. I always got a laugh from those Alex is the answer, Alex loves you, Alex is my co-pilot, etc. decks.
