
chrome ball incident #654: holla!

"Look at the clouds!"

To help commemorate his beloved Ja Rule's recent incarceration on a gun charge, the Chrome Ball Incident proudly welcomes Mr. Brandon Biebel to it's ranks. Pretty tight.

Everyone's favorite slam dunkin' arm wrestler... how can you not like this guy?

Infinitely quotable.

Big up to Manolo.


  1. Biebel is such a dude's dude. He seems like the most positive guy in the world. I still remember the old Expedition footy when he was super young, where he kickflip back noseblunted a small sacto ledge off some stairs. I remember thinking that was the dopest thing ever for a kid my age. Years later, Biebs is still ripping.

  2. He let me skate his indoor park.
    Truly the nicest and dopest professional skateboarder out there!
    Holdin it down for the 916!

  3. Biebel has grown on my the past few years. Super stoked on him and his vibe.

  4. This dude has grown on me too. I mean I dont know him personally but he does seem like a positive all around good guy. Ripper for sure. I remember when he first got on girl and a bunch of us were kinda bummed thinking that he didn't fit that mold but girl/choc kinda changed soon there after with their team profile anyways. I guess you can't milk Paulo Diaz and Sean Sheffey forever, but the whole 'family' vibe of those teams was getting lost on me right around then. Ahh... That's a tangent... Beibel is rad for sure. I wish girl kept on riders like Paulo Diaz and Robbie McKinley and Sean Sheffey though for the love just like they did Gino. Thats family. You know they had the dough$

  5. thanks for the comments guys.

    well said, anon1. dude's dude indeed.

    keith, i honestly didn't know what to make of the kid at first... not sure if anybody did. A true character. And he rips too. One thing that I definitely respect about him is how stoked he still seems to be on Girl. His "Dreams Come True" tat is the best.

    Thanks Stephen. Have a good vacation, man.

  6. Biggest skateboarding "wigger" in existence.

  7. Shame on you. I don't even use that term anymore, but when I do, it's to talk about Eminem or Wade Desamaro. Girl is too legit to have a clown in their crew, and Biebel is too legit to care what people like you think.

  8. I like the term "Milkchicken" myself. Biebs does come across as a little "yo", more so back in the day I think, but he's grown on me. He reminds us that skaters are skaters no matter if they're total hesh heads, jocks, art goons or even milkchickens.

    So word to Chops and word to Bieble. I will still watch every vid with him in it

  9. biebel is blacker than most black guys. honestly that shit isnt an image thats how he grew up in sacramento im sure he doesnt switch up his attitude at all in front of anyone which is what a wigger would do
