
chrome ball incident #645: down the backstreets

"Yeah, I voice my opinion. I say what I want because that's what I feel. I'm not going to hide it. I'm not going to keep it inside if it bothers me. I'm just gonna release it. I'm gonna tell the people who need to be told and it doesn't really make a difference who you are. It's my opinion." -Ricky

Can't wait for this dude's Epicly Later'ds to begin.

Special thanks to Nike SB.


  1. I miss East Coast Urethane.


  2. I like that post. One of a kind. Just looking at those photos makes me want to go fast.

  3. I bought more of his Zoo York and Illuminati boards than probably any other pro model when I was a kid. I used always watch his EE3 part before going out to skate. In his 411 profile I really liked his ollie/nollie/switch ollie shifties. They just looked so rad with him hauling ass in the underground.

  4. ricky oyola is one of the most important things to ever happen to human movement.

  5. when is the epicly laterd coming out?

  6. Thanks for getting that Peru one in there....so good.

  7. That pivot fakie in Peru is a great shot. Either that thing is huge or the photographer got an amazing angle. maybe both!

    I always liked footage in that hallway... is it in a subway? fs board up the rail is pretty awesome.

    That first ollie is pretty tight. Didn't notice it at first glance.

  8. Lemme tell y'all something about growing up in the NY/NJ suburbs in the mid 90s: Watching dudes like Oyola and everyone on Zoo inspired the shit out of us. We didnt have nice picnic tables or perfect banks. We had to use our brains to skate weird shit. Yea we had some nice, posh schools w/benches. But you couldn't always hit those up. Had to skate or drive around to find the new good shit. When you had videos of guys skating EVERYTHINg, Not just A-list spots, it made you wanna go out and find the roughest, ugliest bank to ledge and skate the shit out of it.

    PS the word verification for me right now is "Suave."

  9. Superb posting as usual, stoked that you included some rare B-side type shit (i.e. Ricky in shorts with a hat, there can't be too many flicks like this floating around) as well as a photo from Hawaii, which is always extra sick to see.

  10. @Keith- The f/s board up the rail is in the subway (the stop for LOVE/ City Hall), but they remodeled and that rail is no longer there. The steep volcano that people go over a rail into is around there too.

    I think that porch to porch ollie is in my West Philly neighborhood, but I can't quite place it.

  11. imagine if that was your patio in the first pic. haha. my grandpa lives in philly and if that was his grill getting ollied over i swear he'd be out there with a shotgun on the second try... gettin' clint eastwood on oyola's ass.

  12. That first ollie is so raw and well photographed there is nothing about it I can hate on. I fucking love that so much I want to make it my desktop background but I don't know how to convert files to hi-res. . . ..

  13. I have been to that stone halfpipe in Lima, Peru. It is as gnarly as it looks, with sand all over the bottom. Oyola is a legend, I can't wait for his Epicly Later'ds either.

  14. Ricky is SOOOOOOOOO RAD!!!!!!!!!

  15. Rad Posts CB, This Blog always gets me soo amped to go for a push . Reading this when I should be working ha ha.
