
chrome ball incident #643: black and white

"I don't think anyone has contributed anything to skateboarding except Tony Hawk." -Heath

Can't go wrong with some classic Kirchart...

Thanks to Skunk.


  1. That gap-lipslide on the picnic table is so sick...Heath's night-time rideouts into darkness are the best.

  2. One of my all time favorites. Always wondered if there was any footage of that emerica ad ollie over the rail

  3. A testament to Heath's radness is that even though he voluntary retired, all of his sponsors refuse to take him off the team. Heard he's the Emerica TM now.

  4. Heath's awesome.

    Really like that alleyoop nose grab. Probably gonna get blasted for not calling it by its proper name lol

    Here's a recent clip of Heath. What a beast

  5. heath skate thunders or indys?

  6. I love Heath Kirchart and the pics are cool but why would anybody hate on Hook-ups? Jeremy Klein has been a ripper since before all these fuckin kooks hating on hook ups were even born and it was he and Heath that introduced vandalism, alcohol and porn stars to millions of kids which is damn admirable so for anyone who doesn't like Jeremy Klein or Hook Up's FUCK YOU POSER!

  7. man... those 'biohazard' shoes are somethin' else. hahaha. heath is awesome tho

  8. billy, i don't recall ever having seen any.

    atm, haven't heard that but wouldn't surprise me. i think i heard somewhere that he's also helping produce "skate talk" as well... but i could be mistaken.

    keith, so awesome. legendary status.

    anonymous 1, i know he rode thunders for a while.

    anonymous 2, hook-ups sucks. get over it. and have you never heard of steve rocco?

    stephen, yeah those shoes are pretty bad though I have heard there are people out there that actually enjoy that brand for some reason. shit shoes and the same tired graphics for 20 years now. and between me and you, have you ever met anybody with a hook-ups board that could actually skate it? me neither.

    thanks guys.

  9. yeah because kids were really hard pressed to find beer, porno mags, and drawing on shit before hook ups came about.

  10. Thanks for the awesome post. I love seeing anything Kirchart related. Just imagine Heath as your "TM", how rad is that?
