
chrome ball incident #460: astro travellin

always loved this one.

girl/chocolate tour article from transworld. 1995.

lance with the flicks, jenks with the layout...
throw a little firm action in there for good measure:

instant classic.


  1. this corresponds with one of my favorite 411 video releases EVER. girl chocolate tour from Best of Volume 2.

    chops you're killing it, man!

  2. i think that was originally in Volume 7. really need to get an adapter to rip my vhs before all my vcr's die.

    that's the one with the Coolio remember joint right?, my mom used to rag on that so tough when i played it as she was such a fan of the first one.

    on another note, i remember not looking up to Lance so much after the frontside noseslide pic on the high ledges by the fountain as I could do that at that point.

  3. How sick is this post - another from the chamber. Cheers bro

  4. i astro project

    i travel, in time

    i'm sorry; i do :)

  5. Yeah, I'm with what 'K' said!
    I liked that Coolio remix.

  6. That 411 was amazing! Great article.

  7. 411 #8 with the element section that had the diggable planets jam.
    stoked on this for sure.its awesome to see how young everyone was.
    great post.

  8. Dope..I used to know the caption for Shamile Randle's photo by heart.. Paraphrasing it's something like "Shamile attacked Love Park so viciously it caused Aaron Meza to pass out.. " or something like that. Guy's photo is amazing. Props.

  9. Astro travel on this.

    I knew I'd seen it somewhere on the internets.

  10. nice seeing some real comment page o.g.'s on here tonight.

    good lookin' out on that link, plat.

    lynn, since you can time travel, you may want to consider going back and retracting that kooky-ass comment. :)

    thanks fellas.

  11. i was at the baytown demo. ray barbee broke 3 decks on the same f/s flip and the mike york helped me break into my car after i locked the keys inside. he rapped about it the entire time. ahhh memories...
